Sunday, March 20, 2011

On Friday evening...

...I was invited to speak to our parish Confirmation candidates. There are a large number of them - it was rather daunting to enter the hall and hear the great chatter and noise. But I need not have worried - they listened, they were interested. The topic was "saints" - they each have to choose a Confirmation name, and the idea was to explain about this, about the Communion of Saints, about saints praying for us in Heaven just as we do for one another here on earth, about saints' days and the calendar. The evening ended with the parish priest leading the group in a sung Litany of the Saints. They turned to face the great crucifix, and sang the responses and the hall was filled with the prayer of it all.

I walked home through the chilly suburban streets feeling quite uplifted.


UKViewer said...

Wondering why a confirmation name is required?

You are Baptized with your Christian names, which are the names you are called forward for in confirmation.

So why the additional name, I recall my own confirmation and having to choose a name, but I cannot recall ever being given an explanation of the reason for it.

Just wondering?

Ally said...

I was privileged to be one of many on Friday evening, and I felt a palpable enthusiasm from the candidates in the small group work afterwards.
It was a most enthusiastic and enlightening talk.

Malcolm said...

UKviewer - you don't have to choose a confirmation name. However it's traditional to do so (though not normal to use it). Many religious also change their names on taking vows, it represents a break with the past.

Normally you take the name of a saint who is to be your patron. I chose Thomas More, for several reasons, mainly because he was one of my chosen authors for my English literature degree.