Thursday, March 31, 2011

Back in January, marooned in a snowstorm.... the headquarters of EWTN in Alabama, I read and read...I had prepared what was needed for my new EWTN series, activity was restricted as I had a broken arm. I was able, with difficulty, to get to Mass most mornings, and help, if really needed, was only a phone call away...but essentially life turned into a gentle spiritual retreat. Snow is rare in Alabama - no one was prepared for it, and roads were impassable and icebound. For a few delicious, almost enchanted, days, I was in a silent snowy world, safe and warm in a comfortable house with food available, and books and books and books...

No shortage of reading material, as EWTN is sent dozens to review each week.A number of new ones had arived and one had the odd title The Pope's Maestro. Not specially well-written, it nevertheless told an intriguing tale, and formed a part of my silent reading in those January days. So I was fascinated to see its author interviewed just today here...


Manny said...

Nothing like being stranded with good books. Sounds like it was wonderful.

marguerita said...

As you've mentioned your new series on ewtn could you please tell me whether ewtn are still broadcasting on sky tv as i've not been able to pick up a signal for quite a few months and I miss the progs very much