Saturday, October 04, 2008

Easily one of the best books...

...I have read for ages is ENGLISH CATHOLIC HEROES, edited by John Jolliffe. Do get it. Your Christmas present problems solved! It's a terrific read. They are all here: Edmund Campion and Robert Southwell, Fisher and More, Richard Challoner, and Manning and John Henry Newman and Leonard Cheshire and more...contributors include A.N.Wilson, Dom Aidan Bellenger, Lucy Beckett and Clare Asquith. The book was launched at a very enjoyable party held at St Wilfrid's Hall, Brompton Oratory, last week, but I have been waiting to write about until I had read the book from cover to cover. Do get it. Enjoy. Available from Gracewing Books

1 comment:

joannaB73 said...

Sounds like a good book for my hubby for Christmas. In fact this site has a lot of good books for Christmas!