Monday, December 17, 2012

Carol singing...

...brings enchanting moments. We - a  little troop of cheery Catholic ladies -  met at a tube station, and went from house to house in Chelsea. At one house, the whole family came to the door to listen, and the young mother told us with pride that the little boy had sung the solo "Once in Royal David's city" at his school carol service a  few days earlier. We asked if he might sing it for us. And, after a bit of shyness, he agreed, and  there, on the doorstep, he sang, his clear voice ringing out in perfect tune on to the night was beautiful, enchanting...and as he finished that first verse, we took it up, and all of us together sang the next...

Oh, dear. Auntie finds that moments like that get her all gulpy.

It was a wonderful evening. We sang at house after house, and when we finally had to call a halt from sheer exhaustion, we found ourselves in the Kings Road, and headed for Sloane Square, where Peter Jones was having late-night shopping, with the coffee-shop on the top floor still open. Ideal for a troop of aunties...soon we were settled with coffee and wine and cakes, and once settled we opened up the collecting-jars and counted up the funds we'd raised...over £160, and it will go to St Patrick's Open House to feed the homeless and lonely...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely experience. I needed to hear about something nice like this today.

Anonymous said...

A fun and charitable way to evangelize. I attended an old fashioned carol singing party. We were loud and offkey but full of the joy of gaudete Sunday.