Friday, September 12, 2008

A meeting...

at St James Church, Spanish Place (surely one of the most beautiful Catholic churches in England, and with interesting links with the Spanish Royal family, Queen Victoria's granddaughter Queen Ena etc etc) is the home-church of the Association of Catholic Women and this first committee-session of the Assn after the summer saw us busy with many plans. After the success of our annual Schools RE Project, which was hugely expanded this year after we teamed up with the CTS, we are now embarking on another schools venture. This will take place on Feb 9th next year and is a Day of Art and Music for teachers at Catholic Primary Schools...more news on this in due course...we have a top team involved, including Dr Lionel Gracey on art, and Jeremy de Satge of The Music Makers ......

I walked back through Green Park for the pleasure of it on this September/just-starting-Autumn day. There are still tourists around Buckingham Palace and the marquee arrangements to house the queues were just closing for the day. The headlines were all of the fire in the Channel Tunnel and the stranded passengers left by the sudden closure of an airline company - an abrupt end to summer and a horrid one for so many people.

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