Wednesday, December 06, 2017

...and a happy day.... Parliament!  Boys and girls from secondary schools across Britain who won the main prizes in the 2017 Schools Bible Project came to Westminster to receive their prizes from our Trustee, Baroness Cox. It is always a joy to meet the young prizewinners and their families. And on a winter afternoon it is rather awesome, somehow, to explore the story of our magnificent Parliament building, to ponder what it means to live under the rule of law, to talk through some of the history of the centuries...and to stand in Westminster Hall beneath that great hammerbeam roof that dates back almost a thousand years...

And then we crossed the road, walking down past the Sovereign's Entrance and  St Margaret's and the Abbey - looking glorious in the mellow light as dusk was falling - for Tea in the Millbank building, and a splendid presentation of prizes...a happy day.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Malcolm said...

What's going on with the deleted comment?

Joanna Bogle said...

It was some junk mail, published by mistake and as quickly deleted.


Unknown said...

"It was some junk mail, published by mistake and as quickly deleted."

Was this my e-mail to you,not here, and written in all sincerity and in goodness. I don't understand.

Joanna Bogle said...

Dear Geraldine,
No, the Comment was not from you. It was, as indicated, some junk mail published by mistake and as quickly deleted.

I get quite a lot of drivel sent in - commercial stuff etc.