Monday, November 10, 2008

For goodness' sake...

...have you signed the Live Chastely pomise yet? Why not? It's quite simple - you promise to live according to the Church's teachings and the natural's for single people and married people, for everyone, regardless of age.

We need 1,000 signatures and we need to hurry up and get them. American readers: this is for you too.


Anonymous said...

What utter nonsense - a promise that is only valid if 1,000 other people promise it too? "I promise to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor by ..., but only if 10 other ". So if you don't get 1,000 signatures will you live a wicked unchaste life?! Now, that would be fun. Can't imagine that your strident, bossy tone is going to help you get all those signatures anyway!

PJA said...

Anonymous, I'd be interested to know whether your demonstrably negative tone achieves anything that's of any worth?

Anonymous said...

Thank God you never had children. You would have reduced them to nervous wrecks.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone post such mean comments? Do some people have so little to do that they lurk the blogs of those with whom they disagree, looking for opportunities to get in some pointless and pathetic jab ??

If you're not interested in signing the petition, walk on. Why would you think that strangers care what an anonymous person has to say?? Don't flatter yourself.

PJA said...

It's because children of today grow up without discipline, guidance and instruction that we have so many social problems. The sharp rise in crime, abuse, STDs, addiction, etc, that we see among the young, are the fruits of Anonymous' cause.

I'd rather see children with a healthy respect of authority than what we have now.