Monday, January 07, 2013

Chatty lunch...

...with a friend, a young mum with children of school age and pre-school.  She recently attended a meeting to discuss the Govt's plans to redefine marriage, and saw some of the books produced for children to teach them about same-sex unions.       "They were for small children - picture books for children too young to read. Showing two men in a boat with a child, and so on.  Is this what we're going to get in schools?"

Quite. And have those responsible for our Catholic schools worked out how to arrange an opt-out for any propaganda classes that the Govt might feel it has to power to impose?

Contrary to popular belief, schools do NOT have to teach the currently fashionable/Govt official line on sexual matters and marriage:  a Catholic school is free to teach the Christian message on this as on other issues. What matters next is how to ensure that this freedom is retained - and that Catholic teachers understand this and know the Catholic message...

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