Friday, January 30, 2009

A meeting...

...with Josephine Robinson, chairman of the Association of Catholic Women, over coffee in London, and as always a lot of lively and stimulating talk. We are running an Art and Music Day for teachers at Catholic Primary schools on Feb 9th, with a session on Gregorian chant and one on how to teach the Faith through some of the world's great and glorious art. The day will finish with a Mass at which the Gregorian chant will be's at Coloma Girls' School, which has a fine reputation for music, and which I know well, the choir having sung at the Towards Advent Festival. Lots of teachers have booked in to come, and we are very much looking forward to the day...

On to Mother's and an evening of sewing and watching a DVD of the Barchester Chronicles, a Christmas gift. Watching the churchy intrigues gave one much pause for thought...

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