Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ugly modern Britain... so depressing sometimes. Children getting on an evening train today - instead of lively chatter it's sour, angry talk slotted with filthy epithets, spoken without passion. They were just chatting, swapping anecdotes, but, ugh, their talk was so ugly. Aged 12-14, with hunted, adult faces and no joy.

Feature in today's Sunday Telegraph laments the vanishing of individuality from England's towns and villages, the end of crucial parts of our lives and traditions. Every day, four pubs close. There are now few ordinary local shops in most High Streets - it's all identical, absolutely identical, brand-name firms with multi-national corporate logos and identical goods. The latest round of closutres of village Post Offices will be matched by the closures of village schools.


Anonymous said...

I was at Mass with the Pope this week. We had a group of Native American youth. They were wonderful. The group had worked hard to earn the money for the trip and were excited to see the Pope. Where they come from things are bad. Alcoholism is rampant. But these kids were hopeful. We need the hope and joy that our Holy Father spoke about. People are dying to hear it and experience it.
Fr. J

Anonymous said...

It all starts at home with an example or lack of one- thank goodness for the parents and families in your previous post.

Anonymous said...

So you've been kinda busy then Joanna!! If it's any comfort the Russians of all ages we met were terribly rude!