Friday, April 25, 2008

Significant anniversary...

...this year in Britain, relevant to the previous blog-post about St this item on Inside Catholic website.

Meeting of the Board of the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. We hold our Board meetings at Brompton Oratory - in the Oratory House next door to the church. I've been to so many meetings of various sorts here over the years: it was in this room, over a quarter of a century ago, that, at our request, Fr Michael Napier blessed the engagement ring that Jamie had given me...we took a snapshot of ourselves afterwards, standing on the steps of the Oratory Church and it's in an album somewhere...

ACN is active in giving aid in many parts of the world at present. Here in Britain, supporters of the work can hear about current projects, meet aid workers, and be inspired by a fresh understanding of what it means to be a member of a worldwide church...Cardinal Keith O'Brien recently attended a big ACN event in Glasgow, even though he was still recovering after an operation, and spoke movingly and inspiringly. There will be an event at Westminster Cathedral on September 27th: mark the date now, more info in due course from the website...

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