...we gathered in Parliament Square this morning for a solemn purpose. We were marking the 40th aniversary of the formal passing into law of the Abortion Act. And the commemoration was done in exactly the right way, with women giving testimony of how abortion had damaged them, causing heartache and misery... babies' lives destroyed and two generations of women wounded - what a tragic legacy.
"Silent no more" was the message, and as there were the usual crowds of people surging around that part of London, and we had large placards and a megaphone, I think some impact was made...
On to Westminster Abbey, where we held a short quiet service at the Monument to the Innocents, reading that powerful Psalm which reminds us how God knew us when we were still in our mothers' wombs. Flowers were laid and we said the "Our Father..."
"Silent no more" was the message, and as there were the usual crowds of people surging around that part of London, and we had large placards and a megaphone, I think some impact was made...
On to Westminster Abbey, where we held a short quiet service at the Monument to the Innocents, reading that powerful Psalm which reminds us how God knew us when we were still in our mothers' wombs. Flowers were laid and we said the "Our Father..."
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