Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Bank Holiday weekend...

...and as I pushed my bike up Sutton High street on Friday night, a group of girls were shrieking obscenities and laughter in response to some anecdote told by the largest and fattest: "Yeah, so I told him to, yeah?" etc etc. The mating rituals are rather sad: the boys it in a solemn row at the bottom end of the litter-strewn shopping centre, looking glum, with their trousers sagging down to their knees, and puff cigarettes and drink out of cans and burp, and the girls sort of shriek around the edges and kick bottles and cans about, and leer and are very loud. One couple had made a connection and were groping together in a rather embarrassing way on the steps of the war memorial while others shrieked on the roof of a nearby shop. These last stepped up their noise as I approached, and I think they wanterd me to tell them they were trespassing and doing malicious damage - which they were - but over the past few weeks two or three people have been stabbed to death trying to remonstrate with youth, so one tends just to leave them to it. If I am to meet a violent end - with which I've been threatened a couple of times - then I'd rather do it when I'm in a calm and ordered state of mind, not when I'm annoyed. As I passed the war memorial I felt sad about all the men whose names are listed there.

A correspondent to this Blog asks if my book is Victorian or contemporary! It's written for now, for heaven's sake - precisely to help create a vivid new alternative to the lifestyle mentioned above...the illustration on the cover was simply chosen because it is charming...

New bulletins dominated by accounts of the child shot in Liverpool, latest in a series of public killings of children by teenagers. Perhaps now it will be admitted that public order, the punishment of crime, and safety under the law, should be among the priorities of our rulers, rather than banning hunting, imprisoning good parents who smack naughty offspring, and promoting lesbianism and homosexual activity. But don't hold your breath.


The Woman of the House said...

That is very frightening. I was thinking that England sounded so very lovely, from a few of your other posts. I guess though that the degradation of our society is similar to yours. We just don't see the blatant stuff so often. It's here though I know. Nice how you still seem to live such a peaceful life in the midst of the degradation and all the bad news. Amazing what can be done when one travels with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that in the olden days women used to wear clothing?

gemoftheocean said...

Here's what got me:

"If I am to meet a violent end - with which I've been threatened a couple of times - then I'd rather do it when I'm in a calm and ordered state of mind, not when I'm annoyed."

OnTheSideofAngels just blogged re: the number of times over the years he's been attacked. I expect "throughout all time" there have always been rowdy youths, larking about, doing things that when they grow up in a few years they'll look upon with some embarrassment. [It would be nice to be able to freeze dry some "youth" and check in 5 years to see if they're fit to thaw out.]

But I'm just so stunned someone of your age and sex "minding her own business" would be threatened physically. I'm especially stunned it's happened more than once.

Anonymous said...

OK Joanna leave the smacking post out..but those kids could be doesn't necessarily follow that you take them to Mass for 16 years that they will go themselves...we can only do our best..i was pleased to have my 16 year old at Mass with me on Sunday with her slouched jeans & vest top. Better than those so modestly dressed that don't go..

Anonymous said...

On my only, so far, trip to England I was on a train in the quiet car. It was invaded by yobs. I talked to a conductor, but she was afraid to say anything. My collar did help keep them a bit in line, but it was still unpleasant. I see this behavior in American cities as well. There is a coarseness that reflects what they see on TV. I have asked juvenile delinquents in jail why they must be that way and they themselves can give me no answer other then "what other way should we be?" When we finally reap what has been sown we shall be in a bad way. Please Mrs. Bogle, keep up your fine work.
Fr. Jim

Anonymous said...

"but over the past few weeks two or three people have been stabbed to death trying to remonstrate with youth,..."

Are you sure? Sutton and stabbd to death by young people; where were the headlines? Yikes is this for real?

Anonymous said...

Parents are so busy with themselves and making money to give offspring a "better life" they neglect to truly parent them. Children are left alone to run the streets watch watever on T.v. AND THE INTERNET.
Their role models are celebrities on drugs. The root is selfishness. Parenting is a selfless endevour..the goal in mind is what kind of adults they will be-not what video game they want this week.