Monday, August 27, 2007

Apples and chairs

At the weekend we bought some chairs - from where everyone locally gets good second-hand things, which is Missionary Mart. They have stacks and stacks of furniture - some of it absolutely horrible, some rather nice - and are jolly and friendly. The money goes to various (Evangelical) charities. There are lots of dining-room tables and chairs, and indeed kitchen tables too, at the moment, because families don't eat all-together-round-the-table much any more, so they get rid of the relevant furniture. Which seems a bit bleak.

We had a barbeque in the garden, using up a couple of our old, very bashed and broken, chairs, for firewood. I had made a big apple-and-blackberry crumble. Then we went inside and watched - as I have wanted to do for ages - the film "Pope John Paul" starring John Voight, on our new DVD which plays American films. It's a very very good film. Comes with footage telling a bit about how it was made etc. There's a bit where JP11 talks to Cardinal Ratzinger, which must have been weird for the present Holy Father to watch...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is another movie about Pope John Paul that was very good also! Worth watching. It came out shortly after his death and was quite moving.
Can't wait to get a copy of your new book.
What about upcoming television apperances- EWTN?