Thursday, December 19, 2019


...carol-singing. First at a care home for elderly people: great fun and in a cheery atmosphere.  This was with LOGS, the Ladies Ordinariate Group. We were received with warmth: freshly-brewed coffee, lovely chocolate cake, and cheery chat as the residents were gathered together. There was some joking about our name, and what the initials stood for: one chap decided it was Ladies On Gin.  Lots of enthusiasm and and carols went well. We'll be back - there's a plan for us to return for a further singing session, with old songs that stir memories and have stories....a plan for the New Year....

Then the following day, with a group organised by a splendid friend, around the wards of a big London hospital. It brings everyone together: staff and patients joining in, elderly patients remembering tunes that echo from their childhood, and everyone in a spirit of goodwill. Incidentally, it's a myth that our traditional Christ mas carols offend people of non-Christian faiths: one of the nicest moments was a group of Moslem ladies clapping and tapping their feet in time with the words...

Carol singing is one of the things I most enjoy at Christmas.

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