Thursday, May 22, 2014


...the Youth Catechism which was a gift to the young people of the Church from Pope Benedict, is proving its worth. Today, I was arranging for copies to go out as prizes in a schools project organised through the Southwark Vocations office. This offered an opportunity to spend the day at Whitstable, meeting the team of young men working there  as part of their formation for the priesthood. They have created a garden out of a messy area - or, rather, rediscovered a garden that had been there a long while back and was overgrown and had turned into a wilderness. A  statue of Our Lady has been cleaned up and now stands in her own shrine beneath a graceful arch around which flowers thrive.

A hearty lunch, a time of prayer in the chapel, and then a recreation period during which I was invited to talk about the book on St John Paul. Then everyone to various allotted tasks, and I wrote out names on prizes and sorted them for wrapping and posting.. then.a train journey back to London past lovely seaside scenes. Whitstable is a charming town and I'll be back there next week with a group from LOGS, the Ladies Ordinariate Group for our summer pilgrimage.

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