Saturday, November 07, 2020

SPENT TODAY... Farm Street, where a well-organised team is feeding homeless people during this lockdown, with excellent meals provided by London's top restaurants.  

The meals arrived in boxes, stacked in white paper bags...I hate to see all that paper wasted, so was allowed to save, fold and take home the bags which will be used for packing prizes for the various education projects with which I am involved.

The volunteer team is very competently led and includes Fr Dominic Robinson  who is not only an excellent chaplain but has clearly  worked hard in preparation to ensure that the Farm St facilities are being used in a most effective way. The very attractive panelled Parish Hall is familiar to me as the meeting-place for the Catholic Writers' Guild over the past few years...and as the venue for the  lunch following  the Catholic Women Praying Together Mass  last year  which we had hoped to be an annual event...oh dear...may it happen some day...

And then home to a ZOOM meeting of the Friends of Maryvale, with plans for the months ahead...

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