Monday, September 02, 2019

A long, lively and creative get-together...

...over lunch after Mass, with the team organising the next round of Catholic History Walks. We'll be running them on a new basis, with people booking themselves a place in advance via Eventbrite.  We're distributing leaflets widely too, and promoting the Walks in lots of new ways...This marks quite a big change,  but will also reach a great many more people...and a bigger range of people. Meanwhile, the current set of Walks is  starting tomorrow Tuesday Sept 3rd...come and join us! 6.30pm at The Monument tube station...we'll explore the City, the story of the Fire, discover some churches, and end at John Henry Newman's birthplace...

While we were meeting at London Bridge, people across the river were demonstrating against the Prime Minister. Even if I agreed with them, which I don't, I would be put off by their crude and nasty language, and especially by their viciousness. Actors seem to be the worst. One, among them, called Hugh Grant, who acts "posh chaps" in films, used a crude sexually explicit word in an on-line statement. He also claimed that people who fought in WWII would share his views.  Here I have an advantage over this young man. I was brought up by and among WWII veterans, and I knew some of them extremely well.I can assert confidently that they most emphatically did not share poor Mr G's  political opinions and would never have used such language even when roused to anger or indignation.


Lisa Desmond said...

I confess I don't know much about UK politics but what I've witnessed, from here in the U.S., looks an awful lot like our political situation. Absolutely disgusting behavior. I fear for this world.

S H said...

Joanna, even for you that is such a sweeping generaliseation! You knew a few WW11 veterans; that hardly qualifies you to speak for all of them!I expect Hugh Grant was brought up by them too - he's 58, not exactly a young man.

Joanna Bogle said...

The absurd and filthy-mouthed Grant made a daft generalisation and I sought to point this out. At 58, he must indeed have met some of the WWII generation and knows perfectly well that few if any of them went to war in order to ensure that his particular view of the current European Union would be enforced on to a public that had specifically rejected EU membership in a referendum. Nor - and this is a crucial point- would most of them deliberately have used sexually explicit language in a statement on a serious issue intended for worldwide publication.

We await Grant apology for his offensive language.

Pelerin said...

A bit confused as on the Walks website it says 'No need to book - just turn up' whereas your post says 'people booking a place in advance via Eventbrite' whatever that is. Are we still able to turn up on speck or is that now finished?

Joanna Bogle said...

T present, the old system still holds: Just turn up. But we have plans for the future, and the new booking system will be revealed on the website in due course.

For now: just turn up! Looking forward to seeing you.... Joanna

sedm1809 said...

I don't think that I would want - 75 or 80 years after my death - anyone to make assumptions about what my opinion would be of an institution which didn't even exist when I died. Nor would I think that, so long after, my opinion would be at all relevant.