Wednesday, August 22, 2018

On the ghastly revelations from the USA re Cardinal McCarrick etc......


1 comment:

Francis said...

Having had someone in our family being abused by a Priest in the 1920s, I feel it is important to say that all Priests who abuse children are not Priests at all. They were not called by faith but only for took the opportunity to be with and abuse children. They were never Priests just as Teachers who did the same were not Teachers or Charity Workers were never Charity Workers or people who worked with cadets or those who worked in Riding Schools or pretended to be Scouts were not really fulfilling these roles. There were and are many thousands of these people trying to worm themselves into any place where they can get at children. They are agents of Satan and please do not denigrate the vast majority of giving and wonderful people who are truly special. It is the responsibility of all organisations dealing with children to bring in and maintain safeguarding procedures and we must be eternally vigilant.