Monday, August 21, 2017


...Clare Anderson, with whom I co-authored a book on St John Paul the Great and have done some TV work ....she will be spending much of this week, with me and other volunteers, packing and posting prizes for the 2017 Schools Bible Project.. We mused on the absurdities of living as Christians in the dying culture of the West...we swapped  news (weddings, babies, joyful family things - a while back, we discovered, following a  dinner discussion about family trees, that our husbands are in fact distant cousins, and we all find this rather fun and satisfying)...we talked books and ideas and current events....we agreed to meet tomorrow for Mass at the local church where we will be using the John Paul Room for the packing-and-posting work...

It's been a busy weekend. Sunday Mass  here and the children's choir is back after the summer break. Then a cheery family afternoon with a beloved nephew (helping Auntie with computer problems - see below) and his delightful wife and enchanting children, plus ice-cream and noise and fun and plans for blackberrying....

On Saturday evening a rather splendid dinner at this University where I am doing research into its history. Former students celebrating a 50th anniversary reunion....delicious meal in a candlelit setting in the Waldegrave Rooms: I was asked to speak about the history, and also gathered info, anecdotes, contact details and more...

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