Monday, May 21, 2012

To the offices...

...of the Catholic Truth Society in Vauxhall, South London. The CTS sponsors the annual Schools Religious Eucation Project run by the Association of Catholic Women, and today I had the agreeable task of choosing books from their excellent catlogue as prizes. We need a good many books, as we have some really excellent work sent in from children at Catholic primary schools acroiss Britain. In addition to the main prizewinners, there are a number of runner-up prizes to be awarded...BTW, if you haven't already done so, you should treat yourself and get a beautiful new CTS Missal. Beautiful bound with ribbon markers and glorious illustrations from gems of Medieval art, a pleasure to use and handle, with the full Latin and English side-by-side - it's a joy. I have a Sunday Missal and am relishing using it. There is also a Daily Missal, which today I examined with great delight while at the CTS. These are beautiful books that are not only practical and good to use, but will become treasured over the years.

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