Wednesday, October 17, 2018


...the history of this university  offers days in the library, adjacent coffee-shop, and lovely grounds.  Then, for the train journey home, I can choose something good from the library - currently Ian Ker on Bl John Henry Newman...

Been pondering and reading, too, about good St Paul VI...this week, following his canonisation, there are vicious attacks on him in the com-boxes of  some Catholic websites.  Some are astonishingly ignorant, and reveal a truly horrible mentality - showing the truth  his own sad comment about the "smoke of Satan" issuing into the Church. Such smoke has truly got in via these nasty attackers, who claim to be devout Catholics but are spreading anger and poison. Ugh. However, it has all prompted me to read more by and about him: his call to missionary endeavour and his Credo of the People of God...

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