Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Women priests...Pope Francis...

...read here...and here...


  1. Anonymous10:23 pm

    The problem is that he is beginning to consider the question of women Deacons. Once we have so called women 'Deacons' women 'Priests' are just around the corner. He has also just engaged in an 'inter-faith' event involving a woman who claims to be an Archbishop: thereby lending credibility to her claim. What a silly billy you are.

  2. I have published this daft anonymous comment, contrary to the usual good practice of ignoring anonymous letters, because I thought it would be useful to show the way in which when people are nasty enough to send anonymous letters, they are often also ignorant. The Catholic Church has no authority to ordain women, and so there is no point in saying "once we have women deacons..."

    Pope Francis has not been at any inter-faith event. He met Christians who belong to a group that long ago broke from the Church. Seeking to heal that breach has been the aim for 400 years. The fact that the groups has invented female bishops only shows how far they have gone...but it is always worth seeking to reach out to welcome them home.

    As to calling me names...well, I'll put that down to ignorance too.

    When Anonymous writes to give his or her name, it would be useful to give, in addition, an address to which I can send some material on the Catholic priesthood.
