Tuesday, November 01, 2016

The internet...

...so useful in so many ways...("whatdidweeverdowithoutit"etc etc etc...)...

...has a very dark side. Lots of ghastly things, from vile pornography to the ability to hack into people's privacy/bank accounts/medical records/travel plans.  From the horrific opportunities it offers daily to terrorists and criminals, to the addiction it brings to children and others with hours of lonely time-wasting...

...and rumours. Catholics seem to be among the worst at spreading these. ..."Have you heard...?"  "Did you know...?  And prophecies: "Our Lady said in a vision..."  And conspiracies: "They've been trying to hush it up since 1743..." "Then years later, the Freemasons..."  And fantasies announced as research: "If you add up the numbers, they come to ..." "The initials, if you think about it, actually spell out..."  And nasty stuff, calumny and detraction:  "The Pope..."  "That Bishop..."  and more...and more...

Last week it was "The Pope is going to receive Communion from a Lutheran". OOOooo...er.... Except that he wasn't and didn't.  Then: "He's  opening the way for women priests"  No again. "He's already committed to women deacons." No.  

I'm tempted to start my own rumour :"Joanna has been personally informed by Pope Francis that she will be made a Bishop on her next birthday."  Let's see if it spreads.


  1. I don't remember anyone saying Francis would receive communion from a Lutheran. But he is working towards this goal of intercommunion with an heretical sect which is pro abortion, pro homosexuality and has women 'bishops'.
    There's no need for rumours when Francis shows his lack of Catholicism with virtually every public pronouncement and action. Were you not at all troubled by the Swedish events which would have been roundly condemned by Pope Pius XI? Not dismayed that your 'pope' stated in an interview that he would have preferred not to celebrate the new mass during his trip to avoid confusing the protestants?
    So he's ruled out women 'priests'. Wow! If opposition to ordaining women was the sole mark of a Catholic then the High Church Anglicans would be Catholics. Actions speak louder than words and Francis was happy to attend a joint event with the Swedish Lutheran lady 'bishop'. Will the Lutherans be forced to abandon their female clergy when 'unity' is achieved? I know you won't publish this, but at least you might read it.

  2. You do have the oddest ideas about Christian unity!!! Do you think that people can come into full communion with the Catholic Church and have priestesses?

    Please study the teachings of the Catholic Church. Easiest way is to get yourself a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (it's also available on-line).

    As you will know, a number of Anglicans recently came into full communion with the Catholic Church. To do this, they ceased to be Anglicans, and in the case of clergy, each submitted a request to be trained and ordained as a Catholic priest. Some were accepted, and in due course were ordained - and have proved, along with the layfolk, an enormous enrichment to the Church. Since the Catholic Church cannot ordained women, no Anglican priestess could apply. I am aware of three Anglican former priestesses who are now (very happy) Catholic lay women. One of them has written rather movingly about the spiritual journey this involved...

    You need to study and understand the Faith. It is not a case of "Wow!" when the Pope affirms doctrine: it is simply a matter of reality, and there is no need to be surprised.

    No one will "force" the Lutherans - or anyone else - to "abandon their female clergy". It is simply a reality that when they cease to be Lutherans they cease to be Lutheran clergy. So any Lutheran priestess who seeks full communion with the Catholic Church will, of neccesity, cease to be a Lutheran priestess!

    From your comments, it seems that your own position is unclear: if you want to become a Catholic, do get a copy of the Catechism and start studying it as a first step. You do need to understand that priesthood is a call from God, through the Church. The Swedish lady priestesses are not part of the Catholic Church...should they wish to join, they will be urged to do as I urge you: study the teachings and then go to a Catholic church and ask about being recieved...

    Pope Francis was warm and friendly, offering a fresh hope for people who for centuries have been told to think of Catholicism as something alien and weird, even evil. Over the next years, we can assist this new venture with our prayers. Christ prayed that all should be one...will you not consider praying for that, too? And don't be frightened to study the Faith with an open heart.

