Saturday, November 12, 2016

Am reading...

...and loving, Last Testament,  the  just-published book by beloved Papa Emeritus  Benedict XVI with Peter Seewald. It's a frank, fresh,wide-ranging and penetrating interview in which BXVI discusses some of the major events of his pontificate - many of which were misrepresented by the mass media at the time, and much more...

As always, BXVI is concise, reflective and expresses himself with accuracy and precision. It is immensely readable.  This is one of the greatest thinkers of the modern era at his very best - and,as always, he is humourous, and self-deprecating.

Want to know more about his working relationship with St JPII?  His resignation?  Views on World Youth Day?  The how and why of  so many events of the past three or four decades?  Get this book and's a really good read. It also leaves you pondering on the nature of the priesthood, the Church and the office of St Peter as never before.   BXVI sees things in the rich theological perspective which is the only true perspective - and  in  this book, as throughout his life as a priest, he is a magnificent teacher.

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