Saturday, December 19, 2015

Our home looks distinctly...

...random (useful word, learned from nieces) at the moment...Christmas presents all wrapped and labelled, Advent wreath, cards, crackers in glittering silver paper, Nativity scene, all jostling with thr ironing, the usual stacks of books and papers.  Plans for major and overdue repair work in the kitchen will add to the chaos...

Christmas, and much love and joy ...but as you get older, you are much more conscious of the realities of this season: it's so bittersweet. The message of Christ's arrival among us is glorious - it's the great central fact of time and eternity...but with its memories and its tender moments, each Christmas brings consciousness of sad anniversaries, of hopes and of fears,  challenges in the year ahead, ...

And I'm thinking of the prisoners, of divided families, of the young who don't know what the Incarnation is all about - not even remotely, not even with vague ideas - and of the people who aren't really bothered about these things...

Long ago to a child in the London suburbs what mattered was the almost unbearable excitement of a lumpy stocking on Christmas morning and parcels under the Tree, and roast turkey. Church and peaceandgoodwill and so on was the official part and it was obviously central but only in a taken-for-granted sort of way. As you get older...


Patti Day said...

Joanna, I wish you and John a very Blessed Christmas. It sounds like your home will be full of joy and family fun. May we hope to see you on EWTN in 2016?

Michael Gormally said...

I read your blog every day, Joanna. This is among your most beautiful, insightful and profound postings. God bless you and Jamie, and all your family, this Christmas and always. Michael.