Tuesday, June 23, 2015


...and a very cheery dinner last night with a grand group of pilgrims from this parish in the  USA, led by Fr Doug Grandon. They wanted to talk about St Thomas More, the Tudors, the events of Elizabeth I's reign, and then the Ordinariate, news of the church in |Britain today... We dined on fish-and-chips at the Marquess of Anglesey in Covent Garden...it was only as we were leaving that I realised this was a most suitable place at which to be dining at this time of the Waterloo anniversary....

Afterwards, a walk down to the Strand and across the river to...well....Waterloo.  The river glittered in the lamplight, and the tide was partly out, revealing stretches of beach....

Today, lunch with a friend at the National Gallery, and then later I walked across St James' Park to Westminster Cathedral, for the sung Mass marking the eve of the Birthday of St John the Baptist. Canon Tuckwell reminded us of the significance of it all: midsummer and the solstice: John the Baptist heralding Christ...

On to dinner in Marylebone to discuss various plans for future Catholic activities. Midsummer in London.

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