Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Anger at Pope Francis...

...from a lady writing from a mainstream newspaper who fizzes and fumes because he has dared to lament the killing of babies by abortion. Her anger sends her into twirling fury, round and round like a hamster in a wheel. For good measure, she adds fuming bitterness against Pope Benedict too...even though he, like Papa Francis, rarely spoke out on this subject, and, like Francis, always with compassion and restraint...

I'm not putting a link to this lady's furious newspaper feature - why add to her readership? But when I looked up the speech by the H. Father, and saw this brief  and poignant mention of abortion, I really did wonder at this lady's wild and furious anger...he was simply giving voice to what we all know is true: that there is something ghastly about a throwaway society, which even throws away precious human lives...

When Pope John Paul first wrote about Divine Mercy, I didn't really attach much importance to it...I remember thinking "Well, of  course  God is merciful... why the need to devote a whole encyclical to it?"  But then when I came to learn about Sister Faustina and so on, it became clear that this was a message urgently needed for our times. People do not know what to do with their anger and their hurt and their sense of being caught up in something that they know is wrong but from which they cannot seem to extricate themselves. In the face of the horrible events of the 20th century, mercy, mercy/ the face of the horrible things of the 21st, mercy, again and again...

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