Thursday, January 16, 2014

an excellent evening...

...with the FAITH Movement. Speaker: Fr Stephen Dingley, professor of theology at St John's Seminary, Wonersh.  He tackled the subject of whether humans are different from animals. Who are we, as human beings?  What is our relationship to the rest of  creation, to God, to one another? You can find out a lot more about all this by consulting the FAITH website...

The hall was packed...we were at the Ordinariate Church, the historic Church of the Assumption in Warwick St, just off Piccadilly Circus. This church originated as a chapel to the Portugese Embassy, and as such was a place where London Catholics could get to Mass in penal times. It has a crypt which functions as a parish hall, and is approached by steps that go down below the Rectory in Golden Square, at the back of the church. So we were - literally - deep in history.

The FAITH Movement is for anyone and everyone, but the overwhelming majority of those involved are young, and this evening the hall was packed with young people: students from London University, some VI-formers from the suburbs, 20-somethings from across London...

1 comment:

  1. ....and a secret stash of jaffa cakes i hear!
