Friday, December 13, 2013

Pics arrive...

...from the official photographer at Auntie's Degree ceremony. The Apostolic Nuncio looks splendid, standing in the magnificent Cathedral, handing over a formal scroll, all tied up with ribbon...but who is the the plump jolly bespectacled lady in academic cap and gown, beaming at the camera, all rosy cheeks and hearty handshake? Golly, it's me.

J. says loyally "You look splendid!"  and nephews and nieces give kind affectionate hugs. But I remember a slimmer young woman, long long ago, in other formal photographs taken at dances and regimental dinners, with a waist and with light brown hair....golly, the years go by. And here I am. Different.


  1. May we see them?

  2. It's very hard to complete a degree part time. So well done.

  3. In response to Aitch: sorry, but no. Auntie is pictured a lot, on TV etc...but these graduation pix, along w. pix of family occasions, are private...

  4. OK I can appreciate that you want to maintain some privacy, well done on completing the degree part time and I hope you have a happy and blessed Christmas
