Monday, December 09, 2013

A wonderful traditional candlelit procession through London...

...rounding off the Mission Weekend organised by St Patrick's, Soho.  It was a superb sight - and sound - as the crowd came surging through the streets around Piccadilly, with the singing and the glowing candles and lanterns and the young faces.

The Sunday evening began with a great Mass at St Patrick's - this is an International Mass, with everyone singing the   Credo, Agnus Dei, Sanctus etc etc  in Latin, a rousing sound, and saying the Our Father together in lots of different languages. Then the procession moved out into the street, a great statue of Mary carried high by strong young men, and the whole thing led by a Cross-bearer and acolytes... lots of singing...people in pubs and restaurants staring and taking pictures, and teams of young people dispensing holy medals all around...

This year the procession finished at the Ordinariate Church in Warwick Street,  the Church of the Assumption, where there was a Litany, and then  Night Prayer - all the young voices singing, so glorious to hear.  And then there was mulled wine and mince pies for anyone who managed squeeze in and get job was to dispense the mulled wine, and I hugely enjoyed doing this and the wonderful atmosphere of joy and friendship...


  1. Speaking of the ordinariate Church in Soho, I have seen no postings anywhere about experiences with the New Orinariate Rite of the Holy Mass? What gives here?

  2. Anonymous4:48 pm

    On a search for Gaudete Sunday, I found some beautifully packaged Oplatek: 'holy bread', as sold by an old Polish market stall. Thanks to your Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations, the Christmas Eve Vigil will be better this time; a good tradition to adopt in England!
