Monday, December 30, 2013

In the ordinary way... at home is two of us J. and me, plus a lot of activity, much hurrying about, trains, buses, Tubes, telephones, meetings, conferences...

But at Christmas we are part of a series of big extended family gatherings. And the pace changes. Music, talk, books, walks.  A dear elderly relation, shared memories of previous Christmasses, comfortable evenings with a DVD of a classic film and with Turkish delight and glasses of wine. Cheerful kitchen talk over washing-up. Meals with a lot of us gathered around a big table, afternoons spent crawling on the floor with small nephews and nieces, muddy walks in wellies.  Young relations singing Christmas carols alongside Auntie in church.

Time to sit back and share in the general talk and laughter. A splendid box of crackers - a gift from New Zealand relatives and much enjoyed - children sucking sugar-candy sticks  from the Christmas tree and an uncle dozing comfortably. I tackled a new tapestry project. "Auntie - let me see your knitting...let me have a go!" pleaded an energetic small nephew. I showed him how to put in a stitch or two, and with solemn expression and much sucking-in of breath he drew the wool through the material with deep satisfaction.

Some work intrudes. You can do a lot with a laptop, and some book-proofs needed checking and re-checking. An idea for a feature jiggled itself around in my head and resolved itself into something that had to be written. And as 2014 draws into sight, new adventures and new horizons beckon...

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