Saturday, February 02, 2013

To Sussex..

... to plan the next series of Catholic History Walks with Bryan and Jayne Lock, who organise the whole thing. As always,  a great delight to be with them, by the sea. Evening Mass at St Peter's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, a good sized congregation for a cold winter evening. This is evidently a lovely parish.  Adoration for an hour before Mass.

On to the Lock family home,a cheery talkative supper and then we got down to business and planned the Catholic History Walks for the Spring and Summer of 2013. Note these dates now!

Monday Feb 25th, meet at 6.30pm, (ie after the 5.30pm Mass) steps of Westminster Cathedral. We'll be visiting Parliament. As with all the walks: no need to book - just turn up!
Monday March 18th, meet 6.30pm outside Holy Redeemer Church, Cheyne Row, Chelsea. We'll be walking in the footsteps of St Thomas More around Chelsea.
Tuesday April 16th, 6.30pm meet at SS Anselm and Cecilia, Kingsway - we'll be walking around Lincolns Inn Fields, seeing the pub where BishopChalloner used to meet Catholics secretly.
Monday May 13th, meet 6.30pm Westminster Cathedral - we'll be walking around St James Park and Whitehall.

And book these dates in advance: Tuesday June 18th - all day - a DAY OF FAITH organised by the FAITH MOVEMENT. (More info on this later. But book the date in your diary now!)

Sunday June 23rd - The annual MARTYRS WALK through London. Meet 1pm at St Sepulchre's Church, near the Old Bailey (narest tube: St Paul's). We finish with Benediction and Tea at Tyburn.

August 8th-11th THE JOHN PAUL WALSINGHAM WALK organised by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph, and supported by the Catholic History Walkers. (Oh, and by the way, there are some good pix of the Reunion Walk for the 2012 John Paul Walkers here...)

1 comment:


    The above link should take you to an interesting Tour of Westminster Catheral.
