Saturday, February 02, 2013

...and then...

...after an overnight stay in Sussex (see below), back to London by train, and then I was on my knees in this church... not in prayer, but helping to clean and hoover etc. The church has been entrusted to the care of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and a team of volunteers spent the day doing some cleaning and sorting. It's a good parish with a fine history. On the wall to one side of the sanctuary are two War Memorial tablets with long lists of names of the fallen of the 1914-1918 War - a great many names for this small corner of the world, near London Bridge. The church stands alongside the Borough Viaduct, along which the trains rumble with a comforting sound. There is a good-sized parish house, all in good order because the Salvatoreans, who have been running the parish for some years, had their priests from overseas stayinng there while studying in Britain.

It was a cheery day, everyone working busily. Things drew to a close as evening arrived: a couple of us were in the church as the  6pm Angelus bell sounded, and said the prayer together, a fitting close...


  1. wl weber12:19 am

    When are the new priests moving-in?

  2. Soon. May be in by the time you read this. Furniture, bedding, etc has to be moved in too!
