Monday, February 21, 2011

Various adventures...

...that are fun to mention on my Blog:

En route to Rome, I had time to spare at Gatwick, so dropped in to the chapel. A Ch. of F. Communion service was just beginning. I stayed, and a couple of other people dropped in, too. It was peaceful and prayerful, and it was good to be able to join in the Our Father, and to know that prayers were quietly going up, in that busy airport, in the middle of all the rush...

In Rome, I looked in at Vatican Radio, got chatting, ended up being interviewed. They were interested in the book about Mother Riccarda, and then asked me about Caroline Chisholm. Vatican Radio has a rather grand headquarters not far from St Peter's, all smart and modern and w. the latest equipment.

It was odd that Caroline Chisholm should re-enter my life , as she had done so just a few days earlier too...BBC Radio Northampton contacted me on January 26th, Australia Day, to do a feature about her! (If you don't know why Northampton, and why Australia Day, you'll have to read my book about her to find out, won't you?)

Here at home, a rush of meetings, and hospital appts (physiotherapy on my wrist...BTW many thanks to those who have made kind enquiries, things are healing well, all should be back to normal in a few weeks), and work.

Entries are beginning to arrive for the Religious Education Project run by the Association of Catholic Women - it's for children at Catholic primary schools and involves studying some of Scriptural events in the Mysteries of the Rosary (Joyful and Luminous Mysteries). It's very touching to see the children's work. The latest Catholic Times carries a review of the booklet produced following last year's Project in which children wrote about St Peter, the Papacy, and the visit of the present Holy Father to Britain. If you want a little lift, get a copy of the booklet: 70p from ACW - why not send a cheque for a bit more, as a donation to ACW's work, and get a couple of copies, and pass one to a friend? - 22 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton KT5 2EE...


  1. I'm glad to hear that your arm is getting better, (it doesn't seem to have cramped your style!).

  2. If you ever fly from Luton, be sure to pop by the Chapel and say hi :-) (Although I'm only in on Saturday, there is always a Chaplain around) we have a nice airside prayer room, too. The Chapel and prayer room are places of calm amidst the chaos :-)
