Saturday, February 19, 2011

Auntie has been in Rome...

...and you can read my despatches here...


  1. 40 Days for Life is back. 9th March-17th April, London. We have a website, blog, twitter, and facebook. Please consider joining us if you are ever in London. We'd like it if you could add us to your blogroll, or even write a brief post sometime. Many thanks, 40DFL team.

  2. Joanna:
    I, as one follower of yours, did not need to be directed to your other blog site as I check both each day (auntie and EWTN) to make sure I miss NOTHING you have to say. I've been waiting for the "comment" opportunity to tell you what a fine piece of writing you created and demonstrated in your piece on Rome. I, too, have been there, and you brought back to me the sweeping panorama of St. Peter's Square; the hustle & bustle of the pedestrians, some of whom are going about Church business; the feeling (all over Italy) of the values of faith, family, and food; the endless tiny shrines--some of which simply appear around what feels like every corner--many in a building's niche and always with at least a single flower. The Roman priests wear such a distinctive hat (a baretta? I'm not sure) and, yes, are GLUED to cell phones. Yes, there is a unification of purpose among those in St. Peter's Square; it's palpable. I thought your final sentence was simply soaring and on target. I also enjoy your writing about Joan Lewis and she, in turn, about you. I hope you each have the opportunity to cover the upcoming beatification, from your unique perspectives. Please continue with your rich descriptions of everyday events, too. Nancy C. Waters, Bronxville, NY

  3. Dear Auntie,

    After the great blessing of the Holy Year for Priests, we are proposing a Holy Year for Nuns and we've be delighted if you could adopt the idea and promote it.

    God bless the work!

  4. Dear Auntie:
    It's snowing in NY, so it was delightful to feel transported to St. Peter's Square in Rome. I have only visited parts of England and Bermuda, so I thank you for bringing the world to those readers of yours, like me, who are now arm-chair travelers only. Sheila A. Waters, Bronxville, NY
