Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ignorant and prejudiced...

...attacks on the Holy Father in today's Times. This has echoes of the rubbish printed about John Henry Newman a century and a half ago.


  1. Anonymous11:02 am

    In a Nut shell!
    Thank God for our present Pope.
    The World hates Truth. They crucified Christ for it. The Pope is only following Him as did all His great saints.
    We should all aspire to do the same and to get the same treatment shows we are doing it right.

  2. I'm struggling with a few Benedictines in a couple of monasteries near where I live. I love them, and for the most part, they're generous and hospitable, and kind, but there are some things that have come up the past couple of years that are disturbing. One is a "Spirituality Center" and that seems quite redundant to me, isn't that what a monastery is?? But the things I've seen them 'condone' are Reiki, Enneagram, Yoga, Zen, Tai Chi, and assorted "social justice" things/talks that are not very concerned about the "spiritual" souls of 'the poor' and lumping the War in with abortion which is ludicrous. Trying to speak the Truth in love is hard, but I keep trying. Not sure how long I should be involved. I do like them, but find their 'open mindedness' a little "too open" if you get my drift. Any input you could give, or words of advice would be appreciated. I love your show on EWTN re: the Crusades. God bless.

  3. I recommend you do some reading here
