Saturday, March 13, 2010

Be ready for...

...some sustained attacks on the Church over the next weeks, as attempts are made to shipwreck the plans for the Holy Father's visit later this year.

Get yourself informed and get thinking. Get reading. Get involved.


  1. Anonymous10:04 am

    would be nice to have a link that counter argues for a change am already tired of reading this kind of one sided rubbish.

  2. Anonymous2:05 pm

    "We have no king but Caesar", 2000 years ago the multitude cried crucify Him, and earlier Christ told His disciples if they hate you it because they hate Me. Now, in 2010, though the words are different, the mantra still echoes in our ears. They crucified our Lord and the cross remains for those who follow Him. Maybe more so for His chief Shepherd. I thank the Good Lord for our Holy Father and for the Catholic faithful in Britain, because of their steadfast love, quest for peace, show of patience, and fortitude in confronting their detractors.
