Saturday, March 21, 2009


..."I would say that this problem of AIDS cannot be overcome with advertising slogans. If the soul is lacking, if Africans do not help one another, the scourge cannot be resolved by distributing condoms; quite the contrary, we risk worsening the problem. The solution can only come through a twofold commitment: firstly, the humanization of sexuality, in other words a spiritual and human renewal bringing a new way of behaving towards one another; and secondly, true friendship, above all with those who are suffering, a readiness — even through personal sacrifice — to be present with those who suffer. And these are the factors that help and bring visible progress".

Sounds like the kind of comment that feminists and eco-campaigners might like to support. The sort of person who gives a human and thoughtful insight that's also practical and somehow speaks across boundaries.

It's the Pope.


  1. Joanna you were great on the C4 news programme. Shame the other two didn't know their stuff otherwise there could have been a very worthwhile debate on the issue.

    You managed to get several solid facts across under fire and hopefully it will have struck a chord with some viewers and made a difference to their lives.

    Of course Catholic Church teaching will be scorned by the secular world. It's only to be expected that people who are so removed from a deeper sense of who they are spiritually, will be under greater influence from the dark side and satan cannot stand the possibility of souls actually being saved!

    Thanks for having the courage to defend the Church and the Holy Father. The sooner the world and its media get their heads out from under the sand and begin to look at the facts rather than bark out the minority group slogans, then the quicker AIDS/HIV as well as other STD's and teenage pregnancies will become history.

    Thank God for the Catholic Church, the only true bastion of sanity left in this world.

  2. Thanks for the info it will come in very handy.As the token practicing catholic in my workplace,I am costantly attacked on the subjects of abortion and aids.Our church has caused this,so I am told and I should be ashamed.After seeing you interview and reading your comments,I have done some research of my own.The results were eye opening and very sad.

  3. What George said; you were appropriately feisty on Channel 4. By contrast, Snow was snide and your opponent was sedate. If I were a disinterested viewer, I'd think, "At least this woman seems to care." And thank you for posting this paragraph. We are so blessed with Benedict.

  4. Anonymous1:48 pm

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  5. Anonymous1:49 pm

    How can distributing condoms worsen the problem of AIDS?? The problem comes from a corrupt government who refuse to educate people in safe sex, the easy provision of condoms, any decent healthcare provision to help people who get sick, and drugs companies who charge such a high amount of money for the medication that the countries who need it can't afford it. How the pope can come up with a suitable insight? He doesn't exactly live in the real world in his marbled Vatican city.

    Joanna - have some guts and post this on your blog!

  6. Anonymous: Have some guts and print your name.

    Only cowards write anonymous letters. I don't mind printing material from cowards, but why not have a tiny bit of honour and put your name to what you say.


  7. Anonymous6:58 pm

    How can distributing condoms worsen the problem of AIDS??

    This is an easy one. If you do not have access to condoms, and you understand the dangers of illicit sex, intelligent people will generally avoid it. Oh, they might make a mistake or two, but that would only be a couple of times without protection.

    Given that the efficacy of condoms is about 95% (when used consistently and properly) their use encourages more frequent immoral behavior because of the illusion of some sort of "safety". So if you have illicit sex a couple times a year without a condom, but hundreds of time with a condom, at 5% failure rate you are almost guaranteed contracting the disease.

    This is why condom distribution increases rather than decreases the incidence of AIDS.

  8. Anonymous11:11 pm

    This is the AIDS epidemic, requiring urgent action.

    To say that people who have access to condoms will have more illicit sex is bonkers. THIS IS SEX. If somebody is willing to have illicit sex they're going to do it with a condom if its there, and not if there isn't. So, to have or to have not. TO HAVE.This may not be morally favourable by a Catholic OR secular standard but its the reailty.

    As a confirmed atheist I have every symapthy for the idea of a deep sense of spirituality, a meaning of sex as far more than a physical act. But to wait for the world to catch up with a dictated Christian view whilst resisting progressive methods of AIDS prevention. Crazy.

    For me, its seems both the Pope and Catholic mechanism are trying to hold on to the 'no contraception' rule when faced with the AIDS epidemic. Finding an argument to fit their rule.

    It has to come down to the greater good and greatest possible reduction of suffereing. USE A CONDOM.

    if anyone may have been slightly swayed away from Benedict I recommmend this:

  9. Anonymous11:59 pm

    Hello Joanna,

    I found your ideas on Channel 4 very interesting and challenging; I'd like to investigate your claims further, and wonder if you might be able to provide a source/study for the figures you used.

    My initial reaction is that, while abstinence is the Christian ideal, and the most admirable position to adopt where there is any risk of infecting another, this approach is perhaps unsuited or naive in a continent where infection rates are so high (67% in sub-saharan Africa).

    The fallen world in which we live in is one in which people will inevitably succomb to sexual temptation- in which case it would seem the more practical and compassionate stance to allow the use of condoms. Where infection rates are so high it would only take ONE unfortunate lapse into sin to cause infection. Do those who slip momentarily into the "dark side" deserve to be infected forever as a punishment?

    I assume you believe that making condoms freely available encourages promiscuity and therefore facilitates the spread of the disease? Is there any research to back this up?

    I'm also not sure that your example of a prostitute in Harare is a realistic one- despite the excellent work the Catholic church does to help these women, the fact is that those so unfortunate to work as prostitutes have little choice in the matter. Denying them the option of using condoms would condemn them to almost certain infection.

    I was moved by your clear concern- this is an issue of life and death, but one on which there seems to be a host of differing viewpoints- and I'm not quite sure which to believe,


  10. James: Thank you for your interest ansd concern. Look up the work of Edward Green at Harvard. See this link:

    best wishes


  11. Anonymous9:45 pm

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  12. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Dear Joanna,
    I unfortunately missed what you said on TV (in a different country at the time!) but shall no doubt find it hidden away in some corner of the internet. However, from what I hear, I missed a good witness to the Truth. I take my hat off to you for arguing even when it seems as if there is no one to support.

    As it is, I'm extremely interested in this line of research....contraception and pregnancy. From a Biological background, I'm convinced that there are many more areas in which research could be carried out, to further prove the uselessness of contraception.

    From a purely Psychological, Biological and Medical point of view (without the input of Religion or the Natural Law) it is evident that the way both our government and other governments are dealing with teenage pregnancies, is doomed to fail.

    We are adding one mistake on top of another and it is embarassing to witness, especially as the 'guidance' is coming from an intelligent source; our government.

    Personally I think it is a case of 'blind dog leading a blind man'.

    Well, we must wait in hope and in the meantime continue arguing the truth even in the most dire situations!!

    God Bless
    M Morrison.
