Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beauty and peace... a London all splashed with sunshine, and with triumphant daffodils in great swathes in parks and gardens... First, to St James' Church, Spanish Place, where the Association of Catholic Women was having a Day of Recollection led by a Friar from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Kneeling beneath those soaring arches I am always fleetingly reminded of Vera Brittain's touching memory of doing so during the First World War when she was grieving for her fiance Roland Leighton,killed on the Western Front...

Later, to Kensington for a meeting. The churchyard of St Mary Abbott's on that corner of the High Street is a mass of glorious spring flowers and the heady scent of them wafts out as you walk by. I couldn't just hurry on, but had to wander in for a moment. It was enchanting: the scent, the freshness. They have planted a Glastonbury Thorn there - it was done to mark, in this new Millenium, a bond with our long, long Christian history.


  1. This is a lovely comment on London in spring. I used to pass by St. Mary Abbots's every day to school in Willesden before I retired to live in France. Unfortunately I was always on a 52 bus so never caught the scent!

    I'm too late to comment in the right place but I must register my admiration and gratitude for the way you defended Church teaching in the face of the most blatant bullying at the hands of Jon Snow.
    It was despicable. Is there a body to whom one can complain about his unprofessionalism and his persecution of the Faith? I mean something like the Press complaints Commission, but for TV and Radio?

    Keep up the good work, and God bless. You will have gained more friends than you think from that man's disgraceful behaviour towards you and of course to our Holy Father.

    (Thoughts from an Oasis in French Catholicism)

  2. London is lovely in the spring. I used to go to St Mary Abbots after singing at Our Lady of Victories. This was before we were married and I became a Catholic. It's a lovely building and I revisited it last year during the London open buildings day.
