Friday, November 28, 2008

As Advent approaches... are some news snippets about Britain today. I have not made up any of these.

- A town in Dorset where it has long been traditional for a local (17th century) militia to fire blanks from their muskets over the Christmas Tree has banned the practice on the grounds that the noise may frighten some children.

- A town has not put up any Christmas lights because going up the necessary ladders etc to do would would constitute a "health and safety risk" for the workmen.

- Young teenagers are to be given abortion pills in a pre-Christmas package, on the grounds that they will be sexually active at Christmas parties, and abortion drugs should be distributed well in advance.

- Police at a seaside resort will be handing out contraceptives to people at local pubs and clubs over the Christmas season.

Dear Lord, what has become of our country?


Anonymous said...

The reenactment group in Wimborne was formed 10 years ago to revive the custom of musket firing, it's not an unbroken 400-year-old tradition.

Anonymous said...

Oh Joanna, I wish you had not written that. It's brought on a hot flush.