Friday, July 11, 2008


...the new Narnia film IS WELL WORTH SEEING. It's all there: young Lucy seeing and trusting Aslan when the others don't, and all the heroic/chivalrous messages, and the evil tempting of the White Witch, who so nearly draws Caspian into her power by promising him to restore Tradition without involving Peter and the others...the battle scenes are powerful, the special effects tremendous, the Narnian coastline just fabulously beautiful... take yourselves there, take your children, your godchildren, your tired-and-bored adolescents...


  1. Anonymous2:25 pm

    I agree that Prince Caspian is well worth seeing. On this I can agree with Joanna.

    But having listened to her contributions to the BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine programme on Friday, I fear this is the only subject on which I can agree with you.

    I haven't felt so shaken up and upset for a long time - Not a feeling I would expect to be brought on by the words of a Christian lady. I don't expect you to be 'mushy' as you called it Joanna, but I have always given time and commitment to taking on other peoples views and accepting many different kinds of people into my life, and I would never shun or pronounce a gender or race so negatively as you did on said show.

    I am an established childrens illustrator, animation art director and animator and adore creating characters and worlds such as the amazing Narnia.

    As a 31 year old gay guy I was really upset by Joanna's comments which lead me to believe that the world is turning backwards and not forwards.

  2. Anonymous11:05 am

    Anonymous, you have to remember that both Mr and Mrs Bogle are unbalanced, bullying by nature, deaf to any other views than their own, live in a time-warp of reaction against the 1970s (a period which few remember), are self-obsessed, consider that they are very important people who MUST be listened to, half-educated, hard up (which explains the television and radio appearances, even though the fees are small), snobbish in a suburban way that makes Mr Pooter seem a serious character, intolerant, presumptuous, greedy, have no manners and are driven by self-promotion. Thank heaven they have no children, if they had they would be driven to nervous wrecks. Heaven knows when any housekeeping is done with so much bicycling and absences from home on 'church affairs'. When they appear at parties people take evasive action to avoid speaking to them. Whether they pray is debatable.

  3. Anonymous12:04 am

    Dear 'Anonymous' - I am sure that Auntie Joanna is mortally wounded by your terribly scathing attack on her character. I shouldn't be surprised if you aren't single-handedly responsible for the end of her career. However, if you insist on leaving unfounded, unkind and defamatory lies in a public forum, perhaps you would be so good as to put your name to your clearly very personal rants. Or alternatively, if you don't want to, perhaps you should keep them to yourself. You clearly have some sort of personal vendetta against poor Joanna - but we don't want to know!

  4. Anonymous4:12 pm

    I agree that this anonymous attack on Joanna is horrible but she should not have humiliated herself by publishing it. Best discarded. But it might have been made by somebody who has been publicly humiliated or insulted by her or her husband, or offended by her strident attacks on those she disagrees with on the radio. I wonder if she ever realises how she comes across and how embarrassed many Catholics are by her.

  5. Anonymous8:53 am

    If you set yourself up as an apologist, as Joanna and Jamie have done, then you can expect that people will make public attacks on you.

    Whereas the average person would be distressed, the political animal thrives on it.

    Sometimes, as with Dr Kelley, this has tragic consequences. The House of Commons committee was pressurising him on his Iraq dossier, and the poor man was seemingly driven to suicide. However the politicans who were questioning him would have seen the incident and the huge publicity it engendered as a career-making opportunity.

    Anti- material needs to be published, to prove that the blog is having the intended impact. Maybe not obscene or deranged criticism, but reasoned attacks on Joanna should go on the blog for us all to see.

  6. Anonymous8:55 pm

    'Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account'............

    As far as Joanna's attackers, please also listen to Our Lord's words...'you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'
