Friday, July 11, 2008

Current issue...

...of Oremus, the magazine of Westminster Cathedral, is a good read. Fascinating feature about a hero priest who was tortured and killed for helping British prisoners in WW11, a two-page spread about St Thomas Aquinas' Latin hymns on the Eucharist...and more. You can get a copy by just dropping into the Cathedral and picking one up for £2 from the stand by the door. I now write for this magazine regularly, and this month being the patronal month of the Precious Blood, I was able to research and write about that, and the tradition of the Holy Grail, and Joseph of Arimithea...go on, get a copy.


  1. Just heard you on the radio. Please could you write an entry that outlines exactly why you hate homosexuals so much, what

    I had a Catholic education and cannot recall any reference to this in my studies of the Bible.

  2. Oremus magazine also has a good spread of pictures of Dario Cardinal Casrillon Hoyos's visit to London.
