Monday, January 07, 2008

Weekday Mass... our local parish gets a good-sized congregation I dropped in this morning, in something of a rush, because my bike had a puncture. Kneeling at the back, watching a long line of communicants on this Monday January morning - all ages, both sexes, a great mix of people - I had a sudden wish to haul in some of the gleeful doomsayers who love telling us that Everything In the Church These Days is Awful and telling them to be quiet, kneel down, and join in...

Bike shops always seem to be friendly places. A small boy was being fitted out with a new bike as a Birthday present - a proud Daddy and a very happy boy. The assistant broke off to take charge of my machine, assurred me he could get it done by lunchtime. Talk became general. Apparently the bike trade generally didn't do so well this Christmas :"Lots of kids prefer to have computer games and that." Golly. How ghastly. It makes one droop.

Spent the afternoon bashing out features for various newspapers and magazines at the computer. Want samples of my efforts? Read the Catholic Times, or the USA's National Catholic Register, or This Rock magazine. Better still, do think about getting my latest book, or even ordering it at your local library...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Joanna
    Just caught this blog while browsing and will save to favourites. I watch EWTN from time to time and found the history programme you do with your husband most educational and inspiring! I too am Catholic to the bone and get quite militant about it at times - oh dear! Also a massive fan of the English and Welsh martyrs.
