Monday, January 07, 2008

It was in Austria...

...that we first learned of the tradition of having a house blessed for the year at Epiphany, and chalking up the initials of the Three Kings, thus

20 + C + M+ B + 08

...I have a lovely memory of being in the Oetztal, in a small snowy village, and suddenly being aware of the scent of incense - and there head of me, ploughing through the snow, was a small group of Star Singers, three Wise men in wonderful costumes, one bearing Gold, and Frankincense (hence the incense-smell, for he was carrying the thurible from church!), another a great box for Myrrh...and with them a leader bearing a Star on a stick. As it happens, they were headed for the very house where we were staying, and when I reached it, there they were...they visit each house in turn, rather like carol-singers. But there is more to it than that, because prayers are said, and a carol sung, as well as money collected for charity, and then the father of the house chalks up the new date above the door...

There is lots more that can be done, such as a blessing of the chalk, and indeed a blessing of fresh holy water for the ceremony. All very delightful, and so we now have the tradition at Bogle Towers. Jamie read the prayers yesterday - he adores all old ceremonial - and then we sped off to some friends. They were already celebrating Twelfth Night, with small girls dressed as St Lucias, and a Boy Bishops, and much merriment planned, so our house-blessing just fitted in delightfully, and we had a wonderful evening. I wish I could convey the brightness and wonder of the little girls' eyes when the boy dressed as St Nicholas arrived ( a magnificent mitre on his head, and an umbrella covered in silver paper as a splendid crozier)...and they answered up very well as he asked them questions, proving that they did indeed know the simple facts of their Faith. A happy evening...


  1. Anonymous9:49 pm

    We'll be catching up with your book very soon!

  2. Anonymous6:52 pm

    Oh & how about you & Jamie joining Miles Jesu??
