Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This is the letter...

....I have sent to staff at La Sapienza University.

Please write too. You can email (see link given below) or send a letter by post: The Chancellor, La Sapienza University, Piazza Aldo Moro 5, 00185, Roma, Italy.

I write to express my concern and indignation at the banning of the visit of Pope Benedict to your University. This is an insult to the Holy Father, and makes La Sapienza University look extremely foolish as well as rather frightening.

A University should be a place where scholarship is honoured and respected, and where mob-rule is not seen as acceptable...


  1. Anonymous2:58 pm

    According to this news article, the Vatican cancelled the visit, the Pope has not been "banned":

    It's unwise to encourage your readers to protest about something when you don't explain the details...

  2. Anonymous6:23 am

    "It's unwise to encourage your readers to protest about something when you don't explain the details..."

    You are splitting hairs, this ignores the point.

    The pope was well advised to cancel to avoid possible indignity to his eminent stature, both as Vicar of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and as Head of State of the Vatican City. It was a very wise decision, almost certainly made personally by Papa Ratzi IMNSHO and one which surely considered the possible effects of any confrontation with the well organised students and their professors.

    It remains for the rector of the university to take action and for the Italian premier, Signor Prodi to do something, but I wouldn’t count on it …


    it will be interetsing to note any reaction from the vast majority of studenst at Sapienza, or whether they will ignore this shocking insult.

  3. Anonymous10:08 am

    Further to Anonymous 1. THE POPE HAS NOT BEEN BANNED FROM SPEAKING AT THE SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY. He has VOLUNTARILY WITHDRAWN from doing so. Nothing will be achieved by bombarding the university authorities with ignorant fusilades. He clearly sees that withdrawal makes a bigger point than being heckled by concerted groups.

  4. Anonymous10:19 am

    A university is not a place where scholarship is 'honoured and respected'. It is a place where it is taught.

  5. You ought to address your complaints to Marcello Cini at la Sapienza, he's the ring leader.

  6. I was very encouraged to see your letter and support that you give the Holy Father. Hopefully it is a minority of silly students who now feel ashamed at their behavour and may they come to know and study the faith in greater depth.
