Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Following the crass ignorance of the people at La Sapienza University in Rome in preventing the Holy Father from coming to speak, I'm writing to the creeps there and suggest that other bloggers do the same. You could email them too. Info here.

Another thought too: how about Catholic students and pro-life groups at universities writing to invite the Holy Father to come to address them?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:33 pm

    Dear Sirs,

    I am writing to complain about the insult to the Holy Father offered when his invitation to visit to your institution was cancelled.

    I had initially imagined that this was due to a misunderstanding of how the peer-review process works. "Knowing better" isn't necessarily "being right", and occasionally statements which are true are not adequately defended, leaving reviewers open to charges of atupidity, or censorship, or prejudice.

    However newspaper reports seem to indicate that this is not the case and it is in fact the fear of mob violence which has caused the invitation to be withdrawn. We had a very similar incident in Oxford recently. However in that case the invitation, to two far-right speakers, was made by the Union which is legally independent of the university, and rightly insisted that it would invite whosoever it chose.

    I strongly suggest that your institution take a lead from the Oxford Union and face down these types of threat to public order.

    Yours sincerely,
    Malcolm McLean

    Free games and programming goodies.
