Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In the post...

...comes a batch of wonderful magazines from the Malcolm Muggeridge Society. A glorious read: some of Muggeridge's superb prose, and many articles by other fine writers. I am so grateful to hear about this Society: reading Muggeridge, especially his comments on the World Council of Churches, back in the 1970s, was so exciting to me that I can recall exactly how it felt - how everything stopped for a moment, everything felt refreshed and new and interesting, it was as if I'd just discovered the map of a strange place and knew where I was.

And then a memory of a visit to him and Kitty - the walks, the talk, and being made to laugh so much that it it was hiccuping. And that particular corner of Sussex, the fields and the rise of the hill, and coming in to tea with fresh brown bread and butter.


Anonymous said...

You met them! Wonderful..

Anonymous said...

That dates you!

Brendan Allen said...

Hmmmm, what a coincidence. Only last week, in a second-hand book sale, I picked up a copy of "Tread Softly For You Tread On My Jokes". All I have to do now is find time to read it!