Tuesday, December 15, 2015

at the House of Lords...

...a wonderful welcome for the young winners of the 2015 Schools Bible Project. We are starting a new website for this Project in 2016, so for the moment it suffices to say that this is a venure that has been flourishing for over a quarter of a century and involves pupils at schools across Britain being invited to study events in the life of Christ and to write about them. We get some superb entries, and every year the main winners come to receive their prizes from Baroness Cox, who is one of the Trustees. It's always a delightful day, and this year it somehow seemed to go better than ever. Delightful young people, wih their parents and teachers - as always a mix of ages and races and from schools in different parts of Britain. The Project involves a good deal of work, but is worth every moment, and I have  some great teams of volunteers who who all sorts of things from judging the essays to packing and posting the prizes.

1 comment:

  1. We list it on our website > > > www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com

    The Dogmas have in fact ... been hidden from you.

    The Catholic God knows . . . what we think and believe . . .

    Catholic writing of Romans 1:21 >
    "They ... became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened."

    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 21:27 >
    "Surely I know your thoughts, and your unjust judgments against Me."

    The fact that "islam" is not a religion is on Section 113.1 of the site. Mohammed in the "koran" wrote exactly the opposite of the Old Testament Prophets.

    Proverbs 30:4 > "Who hath ascended up into Heaven ... what is the name of His Son."
    koran - maryam 19:35 > "It is not befitting ... Allah that He should beget a son."
