Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A very jolly evening...

...at the launch of a new edition of Lynette Burrows' book "GOOD CHILDREN". Lots of young people, young parents with babies...lots of prosecco, delicious nibbles, jazz, talk, and laughter. It all happened at the Cable Cafe in the Brixton Road...it was full of friends and it was enormous fun to be in good company, for a good party, on a Spring evening.

The book is a practical, don't let's-panic-about-it guide to raising children. It has a positive and joyful message about family life...Lynette and her husband raised six children, and there are now lots of grandchildren, and both the book and the party celebrate all of this...

The book tackles all sorts of things, from how to avoid producing spoilt children (she gives specific examples, eg the child who refuses food because it's on the wrong colour plate) to the joys and challenges that a handicapped child brings...it's a good read, with an upbeat message. The chief thing she urged is "don't listen to too many experts". They are so often wrong, and often make parents feel scared and inadequate.. it is not really hard to achieve happy, disciplined children in a happy home where there is love and security, and parental instincts and common sense are central in all of this.

You can order the book at


and it is £20 plus £3.00 postage...

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